Thursday, October 10, 2024

Murphy's Law: When You See a Window of Time Several Days in Advance to Barbecue, the Grill Will Run Out of Gas

I've been eyeing the small window of time (yesterday between 5 and 6) when I would have time to actually cook. I've been eating crackers, cheese....bananas and apples. I did get to the store and purchased groceries, with the intention that from 5 - 6, yesterday, I'd grill meats and veggies. I promised myself not to check email or the cellphone so I'd actually make the time to cook. I was successful for 10 minutes.

Tank ran out of gas. Ugh. So, I loaded it up, took Karal for a ride, and returned home to finish grilling. Totally worth it. I figure there are few days left for grilling (although I keep the grill out while I extension of my kitchen). Getting more gas was easy, after I got the attention of the clerk who was hard of hearing and reading a paper. I startled him when he looked up and I was there.

And I write this knowing that running out of gas is low on the radar of what's important, especially as so many recover from the violent storms of the last few weeks. The publisher of POW!, in fact, called me to say they were fleeing their area in Tampa and didn't know how the shop would fair. They asked for prayers, and that is sometimes all we can offer. I was in Mayfield, Kentucky, and saw what tornadoes did to that town...I'll never forget the complete's there one second, and gone the next.

Nature is no joke. It corrects itself all the time and adjusts to numerous factors all on its own. There are reasons ... miraculous ones ... all life interacts as it does on this blue marble. We know some of them, but not all of them. From what we can conclude from research, data, patterns, and knowledge as it is passed on to newer generations, is what we try to share with others to have a better world for us all. The problem with humans, though, is we are rational beings who can rationally become irrational to what the truth is. 

And this is where we are. I ate sausage, asparagus, and cauliflower...lucky to have the opportunity to do so on a crisp, Autumn night. It's the season for fighting myself not to turn on the heat...temperatures are dipping into the 40s now. I try to keep the fresh air and open windows while I can.

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