Lo and behold, the temperature dropped. I sleep in my underwear and a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off. I would sleep naked but the thought of that on my sheets is not where I like my mind to go (I'll leave that to yours). The result of these skimpy sleep attire is when I come to make coffee, I am usually not properly dressed...so much so that my dad always asks, "Aren't you cold?"
Well, I was. But not any more.
I got my coffee and began my day...writing, as usual...when I saw the Comfy box (so original) and I thought, it might be a good idea to put it on. It was the first really frigid morning in my house. So on it went and I felt like a stripper...all decked out on top with bare legs sticking out underneath. An ugly stripper, albeit.
I now have it on a hook in the closet by my kitchen so I can put it on every morning as I come down the stairs. I also thought I looked like an idiot, so I grabbed a couple items from my foo foo fee potpourri bowl I got on clearance. Of course I thought, "I wonder what I'd look like as an alien?"
Easy peasy. I made it happen.
So, now anyone peeping in my windows in the a.m. to view my rituals will likely see (at least during winter) me in my Comfy Original -- a little toastier than usual. I won't do the alien eyes every day, because they are hard to keep in place for long. I do have alien glasses in my office on campus, though - I may bring them home so I can ritually begin my day this way. My life would be so much better if I was an alien (or at least abducted by) like I used to dream as a kid.
Nanu Nanu.
But nope. Just comfort instead.
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