Monday, January 29, 2024

Flashback to the Fall of 2020, When Stores Were Mostly Empty & a Sight Like This Was an Absolute Fantasy (If You Scored, You Scored for Friends)

It's sometimes hard to believe that we lived as we did in 2020, online, trying to ease an epidemic, as we were doused in political ire. There were three of us at home: Edem, Chitunga, and me, so when Kaitlyn & Dominik score a TP sighting at their local Costco, they sent out messages to their friends. I believe they filled two carts with the goods for delivery....maxed out their credit cards...then arranged drop-offs. 

It was still to dangerous to mix breath, so I told them to leave the stash on the front porch. I had put $70 in an envelope and soaked it with Lysol. Dominik still associates my house with the smell of that cash. I had so much of the loot from that finding that it wasn't until recently, Fall of 2023, that I had to buy more. That is why I laughed running through BJs yesterday seeing aisles and aisles of the rolled paradise. How soon we forget what a luxury it was during those days.

We have stories now for when grandchildren yell out, "GP, there's no TP left," and after slipping a roll between the cracks of the doors, you can glow with excitement. There will be a story for them when they're finished...a tale of a different time, a narrative of the darker days where soft wipes were like unicorns...magical in their existence.

Yes, this is the way I'm beginning my Monday morning, because I feel slightly rested. I watched football all day on mute ( was on and I occasionally looked at the screen to check scores) while I wrote from my laptop and curled up on the couch to read books. After a C+ dinner of stir-fry which I ate between lunch and dinner to kill two birds with one stone (bawk bawk plop), I ran out to BJs to get milk, vitamins, and what I hoped to be egg rolls (to bring the C+ to a B in coming days). It was there I noticed the decadence of the toilet paper aisle and had the flashback to the time Princess Kaitlyn and Prince Dominik saved so many southern Connecticut asses. 

They were knights for us all. 

May you wipe with ease always, and cherish the simpler things in life. 

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