Sunday, January 14, 2024

Going Into Sunday Doing What I Do Best: Spinning Plates to Keep the Performance Going. We Go This!

In two days, a new semester (and a new course) begin. I'll get to it on Monday, but for today I'm going to do all I can to put a bow on the winter session and 20 research proposals that were achieved in a very short time. I'm thankful for the Sealey, Wooley, Johnson crew for inviting me over for dinner before Val returns to New Orleans for school: potato pancakes, a pork roast, Brussel sprouts and salad. Also loved the cheese cake and lemon torte Jen brought. 

Yesterday, I accomplished a lot, but I'm still not finished. Kudos to this graduate crew who matched my serves with bouncing the ball effectively to my side of the court. It always makes me proud when they rise to the occasion (even if they think the final project needs to be more than it is: because I teach the way I do, it is simply a matter of putting the parts together and calling it a day.

Temperatures drop today, but I enjoyed getting outside for a hike yesterday without a jacket. 

Okay, universe. Send me power. I will achieve all that needs to be set forward to say, "All Done," hopeful for the last winter session I ever have to teach (it's a lot, I don't mind the teaching, but the pinch and inability to chill out is too much). 

Happy Sunday, y'all. Make it a good one. 

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