Sunday, January 21, 2024

Hey, Mom! I Am Legal to Marry Bo & Hope in Connecticut, Should You Want to Contact Days of Our Lives and Have Me Oversee a Tear-Jerker Ceremony

I've written often about being blessed to watch Days of Our Lives 3x's a day in my childhood as it was taped and I could watch it with Cynde, then with Casey, and finally with Mom when she got home from work. I'm officially ordained by the Universal Life Church and now can marry Calliope and Eugene, Bo and Hope, or Patch and Kayla should the occasion ever call for it...but unlike soap opera sermons, I'd legally be able to unite couples forever and always. 

I am super glad to get another milestone of the checklist in life I never anticipated or asked for. I am thrilled, however, that an ol' student asked me to stand in residence for his ceremony next may, allowing me another box to check and add to my resume. The only requirement...I now need to intern a little bit over a minstrel activity (although my argument is teaching at a Jesuit University should count over leading others in a discussion of faith, hope, and living a good life.

Add 'o' ot God and you have Good. That is what the Great Whatever has taught me over and over again. I am all about promoting good and that is what this wedding shall be (if only I can get rid of the acid reflux of middle age...that's really bad and I don't enjoy it). 

I'm glad I spend Saturday morning reviewing articles for academic journals and moving the wedding accreditation to the forefront. Now, I receive my pin, business cards, certificates, and planning guides. I'm already writing the ceremony, "Do you, Justin, agree to allow Juliet to make you financially stable and to do the taxes of the man who is marrying you for the rest of your life?" "Do you, Juliet, promise to accept Justin's philosophical pondering and questioning the validity of life's claims while working to get his thinking published in peer-reviewed journals?" 

If so, there shall be happiness for all...maybe even Horton Christmas ornaments on your annual holiday tree.

And yes, you can laugh. Crandall is laughing, too, and is honored to be asked. Here's to the summer wedding. 

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