Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Random Act of Kindness Alert - a Postal Hug (and Thank You Note) from author @AngelaStockman. We're All In This Together

I returned much later than planned from Austin, Texas, because of a screw in an airplane. Better safe than sorry, so what is a few hours on a tarmac? This meant that I brought in the mail, including packages, to be dealt with when I came home at 8 p.m. last night (yes, I'm teaching additional courses to replace faculty who have left their positions). I loved that I had a box from author Angela Stockman, especially knowing her latest book is now in print. 

Ta-Da. It wasn't that gift, but a thank-you gift for being open-resourced with my syllabi and Padlets. Yes, I'm an open book. I always think, "In a court of law, people would simply need to search for me online." I leave everything out there for others to utilized if they wish.

My precious colleague sent a box of chocolates from Buffalo, an unexpected gift to welcome me home from NCTEAR. I did as most educators do...I took them to meetings and classes and shared them with as many individuals as I could until they were devoured. 

Better than the chocolates, however, was the wrapping delicately done with love. I didn't want to open the gift because it was so professionally crafted. I shook it and heard rattling. What kind of book has Stockman written? Ah, it wasn't the book - it was kindness from a good spirit (and I'm flashing back to the days when I attempted to address manners and etiquette in a freshman English class where we'd have mocktail parties and act like mature adults. Thank you notes and gifts are rare, but GREATLY appreciated). If only more of us were appreciative of others.

So, it's Tuesday (and already feels like Friday). It's my first time eating sponge candy from Buffalo, and the truth is, I'm simply excited to get anything from Buffalo. Although I'm a Syracuse guy, Rochester and Buffalo are sister cities. We get each other, even if we're separated by Snow Globe Awards. We're upstate New York and that matters entirely. I'm now in Connecticut, but I'll always claim what I claim. We are who we are.

Yesterday was day one back to the ground and it was a 14-hour a day. There are five of them this week, in fact, and I hope I have the energy to sustain all needing to be done.

Thank You, Angela Stockman, for the Thank You package. You are 100% appreciated and I spent the entire day learning from others about their experiences with Sponge Candy. Apparently it's popular in Ireland, too. I had to read articles about the history asI've never heard of such a treat. The smiles it made for many  demonstrate why it is popular. 

I always love when an act of random kindness is thrown my way!

I am a better man because of it.

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