Thursday, February 8, 2024

Google Scholar Nerd Wordle - Thankful for @SR_Tolive...Not Only Brilliant & Powerful, but Creative & Playful, Too. Fun to Get a Result

It took me a minute, because I'm slow and I tend not to care about my Google Scholar page. I tried to use my BePress page because it's more thorough, but the Wordle machine didn't care for the link, so I stayed true to the mission, figured out the right link, and WOLA! 12 years of publications summarized with Word frequency to focus of what I've published most. Like my sister-in-the-work, Tracey Flores, posted, WRITING obviously moved to the forefront. Hello? National Writing Project influence much.

21 books/anthologies of teacher/student writing, 25 peer-reviewed articles, 8 professional blog posts, and 104 peer-reviewed conference proposals resulted in the image that accompanies this post. Naturally, writing is prominent in what I choose to publish about.

Education, youth perspectives, male youth, and literature are closely behind, with literacy, literature, and ubuntu tagging behind. It could be teaching. It's a nice summary, but what's to be done with words like 'mostly' - I have no idea. I chose a diamond shape because that's sort of a philosophy...doesn't matter the kid, if you work hard enough to build a relationship, the glimmering of a jewel will arrive. I was surprised community/communities didn't come to the forefront, as the vast majority of what I write about is their imporance. In fact, I would think it'd be tied with writing.

Ah, it's an algorithm. Too bad I can't make one for the words that come out of my mouth while driving I-95. Now that would be a fantastic piece of art.

Yes, it's Thursday morning and I'm coming off three 14-hour days so I don't have much of a brain left. I need what little I have to get ready for the MLK Youth Leadership Academy on Friday. Yes, we'll be writing in a community and dreaming with a purpose. I live for any and all opportunities to write alongside kids.

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