Monday, February 12, 2024

Got My Super Bowl in with Chicken Wings, a Run for Refugees & Immigrants, and a Fantastic @CuseWBB @CuseCoachJack Win

Yes, my legs are sore, but worse is Hubert the hernia, who didn't enjoy much that I pushed this middle-aged body to run a 5k in my annual New Haven Run for Refugees. It was a great reunion party and I made it home in time to watch the Syracuse/Louisville Women's basketball game. My two alma maters and I'm always torn, typically for the underdog in each match-up. Daisha Fair was outstanding, as usual, and it made for a fantastic afternoon. 

At night, I went to the Silvers for wings, chili, guacamole, and the first half of the game. It's been a minute since I had such table food, and I forget how much a beer can fill you up. Definitely left at halftime feeling stuffed, satiated, and thrilled by a rather eventful day. 

Today, however, it's a doctor's appointment, the dermatologist, and a grad class, knowing that we are to wake up on Tuesday with a significant amount of snow...which throws off all of Tuesday's in-school plans (which also follows with a graduate course). Ah, February. Doing as you always with unpredictability. 

Hits both free-throws....BOOM!

What a game. The Syracuse/Louisville one. Not the Super Bowl. 

Sorry I missed Usher, but I wanted to make it home for the 2nd half to let the dog out. Not sure about the Super Bowl commercials or if I want my feet scrubbed by a total stranger, but the day is ritualistic and I loved seeing William, Jessica, Oma, Akbar, Arcadius, Will, and Abonga. The old crew was back in town for another great fundraiser for Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services. It's one of my favorite runs each year, although my body wishes I'd just give it up already. 

Okay,'ve brought me another work-week so work it shall be. Here's to the week. 

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