Thursday, February 15, 2024

Call Me Anti-Hallmark Holidays, But Yesterday as I Scored Junior Portfolios I Pulled out My Skeletal Sweater (K-12 Classrooms are Freezing)

I have several ritual each year that I love...the 5K races with a cause, all the CWP summer work, Writing Our Lives conferences, and scoring student portfolios at Joel Barlow High School. I remain in awe by the district-wide commitment, the excellence of their writers, the traditions of nurturing composers across many genres, and the network of dedicated literacy experts who are loyal to their investment. Yesterday, Dave Wooley picked me up at 6:45 a.m. and we were off. Luckily, I was home by 3 pm, could walk the dog, and still had time to prepare for class.

I also received an email from our Foundations department that a grant I wrote a year ago was awarded, and now I have $25,000 to create more youth writing conferences. I love this particular grant because each kid gets approximately $100 to buy books to inspire their own writing. That, and I can invest in teachers who offer extra learning after school to mentor them. It's a win-win-win in my opinion. 

This morning, I'm hosting a ZOOM for an hour, attending a ZOOM for an hour, then prepping for information meetings on campus, followed by interviews, followed by a dinner with a friend to celebrate her promotion to Full Professorship. 

I probably should wear a dead-animal skull two days in a row, but I'm tempted. It was a great clearance find that I rarely wear, except for special occasions.

Okay, Thursday. Time to stop putzing around and begin hosting this meeting. Be well world.


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