Friday, February 16, 2024

Definitely Ate Too Much Cake, But Enjoyed Dance Marathons with Patrick and Stephanie's Kid and the Good Company of Friends

Social media birthdays are intense ... hard to keep up with all the wishes, but I appreciate each and every one of them. I began the morning going for a long hike and de-skunking Karal with bath time, before heading into folders for another day of portfolio scoring. In the afternoon I finished, ran to get a couple of things for my next door neighbor who had a baby girl then went to Pam's for La Catina beef burritos, followed by a night on the chair wondering how I ate so much. 

Pam made a chocolate cake, too, with frosting from a can (so good). That toppled me over. 

It was also a fun time dancing with the lil' guy who is all bounce, energy, curiosity, and sillies. I can't believe how fast these kids grow up. A total fusion of Patrick and Stephanie, and all the personality in the world.

But today is Saturday. I can move my 52-year-bones onward, hopefully with more of last night's foods digested and easier movement. Why do we eat more than we have to? Oh, because it was a celebration.

In truth, I just look forward to my coffee and another night of food with friends. In the mean time, I need to prep for Austin, Texas. time flies when we're having fun.

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