I added the background, of course.
Yesterday was a gift because the Sate closed down due to a snowstorm (even if I did teach online and night) (and most of my meetings were national and, hence, online). Even so, I had time to work on other minor projects and to get ready for class. If it wasn't cancelled, I would have been at a school all day, which I have to attend this morning. It's a bit too much (and Sue asked, "What would happen if you didn't go?" Well, I would simply feel terrible)
By the way, she's hate me for posting this on my blog as she hates any and all attention thrown her way. I can't help myself, however, because all the magic and purpose I feel in this world partially result because of her mentorship, guidance, impeccable listening skills, and teaching. I knew in 1997 when I met her that we were in this for life. After all, she said, "Taking on a student teacher is adding an additional marriage to the equation."
Yup. Glad to have her partnership all these years, because most of what I do as an educator was influenced by her...my moon is Pisces and I'm Aquarius so it's logical that we hit it off since our first meeting...at Beargrass Creek State Nature Preserve, of all places.
As much as I'd like for another snow day and/or delay, I imagine that will not be the case, so I'll post this and head towards the crazy commitment (as I always do).
Wishing me and every other educator luck in their work today.
Oh, look. It's Valentine's Day. Sending love, too.
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