Thursday, March 21, 2024

Why Do You Keep Writer's Notebooks? Because When You Move Them, Several Items Fall Out & Suddenly You're Filled with Joy, Memories, and Hope

Last summer, as always, I had a brilliant crew of self-selected educators looking to be classroom leaders through the commitment of the National Writing Project. It was a  grant awarded in November of 2022 for the 2023 summer institute that still hasn't arrived. So, what does Crandall do? He writes another grant which came in fast to cover the costs. The other grant is still on its way, but not here yet...stay tuned on that one.

Ah, this spectacular group of K-16 teachers will be compensated for all the leadership work they participated with last summer and in the Fall (excellent, brilliant, stellar teachers who do the great work) in support of what they were promised.

We are focused on the joy of teaching, rejuvenating why we entered the career, and bringing happiness back to the profession that lured us in the first place: love, laughter, intellect, criticality, planning, writing, dreaming, and leading was the result. The best way we can invest in the quality of education in our schools is to show support for the people committed to educating them. 

When the photograph fell out of my notebook, I had to pause, because the beauty of this crew is exactly why all of us in the National Writing Project do what we do. Teachers teaching teachers. Listening to kids and families to enhance skills for all students. And more importantly, fighting to make sure curriculum represents the beautiful heterogeneity of our schools. 

It helped me (made me, built me, supported me, uplifted me) when I was teaching in Louisville, Kentucky, and it makes me proud to invest the mission in the same way now in Connecticut. 

Here's to the teachers and all the labor they tirelessly do. And here's to those organizations and institutions that support teacher expertise, creativity, knowledge, and commitment. May more and more of them return to this nation. I'm lucky to know a better word in K-12 education and resist the world being built by many to work against teachers and curriculum. Our intention is to leave their ignorance, stupidity, profit, and hatred behind.

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