Sunday, March 10, 2024

We're Back in Connecticut. Always a Bit of a Transition for Karal, But She Knows Her Spaces (But Misses Her Grandparents Severely)

It was a wet drive. A gray drive. A drive just like the one I took for a week-long stay in Syracuse, New York. I wouldn't trade a second of it for the world. I didn't mind the tropical weather (it was 50 degrees three times during the week) and there's nothing wrong with full-on parental time. 

The drive home exhausted Karal, though. She wanted in my lap for most of the night, then crashed in her bed for the final hours. Fine with me. I was unwinding, too, going through mail, book deliveries, and combing through the cabinets for anything to eat. Yes, I purchased food for my parents thanks to my mom's credit card, but I came home to empty cupboards and didn't feel like shopping for my own needs. 

I settled in to a night of pre-March Madness with end-of-the-season-madness, caught up with Pam, started laundry, and settled in for an evening of low-key basketball and responses to texts I've ignored for a week.

I have to applaud the traffic. I've been through much worse, and I'm thankful to Octavia Butler who once again captured my brain via audiobook while I drove home.

As for the McDonald's road trip meal. YUCK. When I have McDonald's...I want it to be sick, delicious, and worth the wait. Nope. Route 17 McDonalds in Liberty was like licking slugs. Nothing appealing at all. Not even the Coca-cola. What a disappointment on all fronts.

Of course, it was a few steps ahead of what I scrounged for dinner in a house with nothing in its cupboard Happy Sunday. May the hour you lost in sleep make up for itself with a joyous hour in this Sunday. May the light be with you (even if it will be gray and murky in the northeast).

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