Saturday, March 30, 2024

For Many of Us, It's Our Chosen Ones that Help Us Battle Forward in an Ever-Changing, Always Unpredictable World

Karal had a long walk, play time with a friend, a car ride, more play time, two meals, and many belly rubs, but she's still unsatisfied that she didn't get enough in her day. So, she insists on sitting on my shoulders or in my lap in whatever room I frequent, especially when on the phone and with ZOOMs. Gotta love her (and I caught her standing on the counter licking for scraps. She's a creature of creatures, I'll tell you). And sometimes she does conk out in an embryo position.

I spent yesterday working on grant materials, talking with teachers (who had the day off and, hence, had a rare moment of reprieve in their chaotic lives) and picking up books at Possible Futures. I also settled into NCAA Tournament play in the evening hours and unpacked more boxes of books mailed to me to review. Phew. 

I often tell the dog, you have 3 bedrooms, a dining room, two porches, a living room, a library, two bathrooms, and a backyard that belong to you. Why do you need to be on under my feet every second of the day?  She responds with a nudge of her nose to rub her neck a little more. Not one to give affection, but she definitely craves it.

This dog cracks me up.

Today, it's more nose to the screen and I'm sure it will be a repeat of today with the needs, worries, concerns, and desires of the dog. She rules this household. Who am I trying to kid? 

I shall give in. I know myself too well. Now, to get her in the harness and go for a long, Saturday walk.

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