Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Please Tell Me I'm Not the Only One Called to Be a Body Guard for Shenanigans on Facebook Marketplace

I saw this meme and instantly noted, "I feel seen." Been there, done that...perhaps the creepiest of them was to sell off miniature perfume sets a friend collected and, hauntingly, knowing that there are others that collect such things...especially older been from Bangladesh with an irritable disposition. In that scenario, three male friends were hired to make the transition. 

To each their own. 

Finished teaching late last night, came home to make stir fry (delicious), and then to unwind for a horrific Tuesday, but dedicated to the work, nonetheless. 

Oddly, the man in the photo looks like me if you really zoom in, but I don't recognize the scene, the blender, or the car, so it isn't me. I swear. 

Back to my dinner. Phew. Rice, grilled chicken, vegetables, and much, much flavor. I overate, but I was hungry and it was so, so good. Not sure I'll be able to match that in this evening's meal. I'm getting home much too late and will be absolutely exhausted. I might need to improvise to break the fast. 

We've always been a garage sale species and there's always someone willing to buy our discarded junk. And some people go crazy for it, too. 

Ah, consumers. Bless all our hearts. 

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