Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Here's to the Cultivation of Possibilities & Making Hope the Reality We Deserve. So, Long 2024! Glad to Meet You, 2025. 365 Days for a New Year!

Cluckity-Cluck-Cluck was a 2024 focus and was retired last night at midnight. This morning, there's a new blog in town to cultivate creativity, reflection, thought, and memory...a Crandall tradition. 

Please visit Cultivated Crandall in 2025 to strive alive and strut for another 365 days. It's been real, 2024, and we're heading to another site to boogie a lil' more.

For a partial recap of the year that just was, feel free to meander through the 2024 montage...another yearly tradition. As others have noted, I've always been a visual learner, and with this comes the music, too. It's a wonderful trait to think in snapshots of the way we once were.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Drugi rok polskiego Nowego Roku w Connecticut, gdzie piłka spada znacznie wcześniej, a ja mogę nie zasnąć.

Year two of a Polish New Year in Connecticut where the ball drops earlier and I can stay awake. 

I have my traditions, which usually means I'm in bed by 10 p.m. - I live too much life during the year running like a rocket ship, and on New Year's Eve I like to explode early, which is why Kaitlyn & Dominik's Polish celebration arrived exactly at the right time. We lift our glasses at 4 p.m. as opposed to midnight, which allows us to celebrate overseas from the comfort of our own homes. And I like guessing what the Polish celebrities are saying in their star-studded welcoming of a new year. 

Besides, I do my yearly montage, begin a new blog, and set up the 2025 birthday video, all while watching the last decade of such work (it's my way of reflecting and calling it a year. I'm in the habit of reflecting daily, so doing so on the 31st puts me on the edge. I'm not happy about the year that just was (although being promoted to full professorship was a tremendous accomplishment), but I'm tired from the grant work CWP accomplished, a summer institute, and the Young Adult Literacy Labs (that received a 2025 Divergent Award for Literacy Implementation from the Initiative of Literacy in a Digital Age). I've been in full grind mode, which I hoped to let go of with a road trip with Chitunga. He's on the road. I was grounded in Connecticut. I hope to meet him in New Orleans for a get-away weekend. We shall see. 

And I am really wanting to lie on the couch under blankets reading books. It's funny to see many of the tech-gurus I've followed for years admitting that they are pulling away from the digital spaces for more ol' school, ol' fashioned book time...a reprieve from the cyber pace and grind. I get it. Social media is fast, never ending, frustrating, and more and more problematic.

It's funny, too, because the last class I taught, Class of 2007, are now in their 30s and having children and as they do, I am seeing they are pulling off of social media because they don't want their kids to be brought up in it (they were still in school as Facebook was just beginning, and they were the ones who convinced me I should blog every day so they could keep up...which I have done...this is year 18 and I am promising myself I will try to make it to year 20, although such blogs are no longer in vogue.

But, I like to write and think daily, and online it's better than in a book no one else will read off my shelves (and it's easier to add visuals, too). Perhaps one day I'll got back and read all 6,205 posts from the last 17 years....again, I'm referencing John Boy because I watched a Walton's Christmas. Although I don't have a mountain, there are Crandall traditions that have kept me going for the National Writing Project tradition.

Almost bought a gigantic silver reindeer bowl because it was so tacky. I passed. I can resist when I need to. Finally, Chitunga made it to Bonnie & Karl's. The world is a miraculous place at times.

And with that..this is my last Cluckity Cluck Cluck post of 2024. I made it another 365 days. Tomorrow, something new.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Gambling with this Monday Morning Post, Not Know Where I'll Be or If Any of These Arrangements Will Finally Work

I've had only two other mini-vacations in the last 14 years, both with Tunga...once in Key West to visit Milford & Sue, and last spring to visit him Des Moines. Chitunga and I knew we wanted to do a vacation together, and it presented itself when Alyssa and her family needed a ride to Miami. Tunga was flying to Syracuse and said, "Sure, I'll drive down with you," and decided to make a road trip out of it from Miami to New Orleans following. I said I'd join him only if I could, not knowing what the holiday status would be and if I'd be needed longer in Syracuse. So, I booked a flight to Daytona Beach and told him to pick me up there.

My flight, of course, was delayed, and delayed, and delayed due to fog in CT and storms elsewhere. I'm thankful that I didn't have to live my day at the airport, though, as I booked locally in order to make the trip work. Alas, they kept delaying and in the last email, they noted it would be a 10:15 p.m departure and 1:30 a.m. arrival. I'm making a run for it, knowing that I'm not sure what kind of human I'd be at 1:30 in the morning any more. I have dog sitters, the house arranged, the bags packed, and optimism in my back pocket. I know, though, that I'll either be in Florida at the time you're reading this (hopefully still in bed) r I'll be stuck in Connecticut without a way to get to Florida until Thursday (in which case makes for a dud trip). 

The plan is to drive along the southern coast until we reach New Orleans, stopping to see people here and there (and do the sight seeing that Chitunga lives for). I just want to say that I'm taking a mini-vacation before another semester begins. 

Avelo airlines cracks me up. Every time I called they said I was person 435 in line and it would be 320 hours before the next agent would be available. I chose not to wait.

At 6 p.m. Sunday, while I'm twiddling my thumbs wondering if I will actually get out tonight, I decided to write this post. I will either be in Florida this morning ready for this adventure or I'll be waking up in Connecticut ticked off and needing to cancel my flight home next Sunday. I've been lucky that my travel during the holidays has typically been on the road and with my own pace. Relying on airlines is rather tricky...and risky. Not so fun. 

So, who knows? I guess only time will tell where I'll wind up. It's out of my hands now. 

UPDATE: After getting a message it was all good to depart at 10:45, I was dropped off at the airport, walked to the gate, sat down, and received a text that it was cancelled. I am bummed, but last night I slept in my own bed and now I will try to see if there's another way. The poor agents at Avelo airlines. I controlled my disappointment, but others were irate, police were called, and it was a mess. Somehow, I can't help but see it as a metaphor for where we are right now. We can only hope for better. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

And I Return to a Gift of Non-Carcinogen, Anti-Charcoal Kitchen Utensils. Entering My Graying Period of Life I Suppose.

I always laugh when it comes to anything domesticated. With no weddings or showers, my house has always been make up of scraps, hand-me-downs, and the occasional clearance racks. I was just excited to have kitchen utensils until I learned at Thanksgiving (and later confirmed through several news outlets) that the black utensils we often used should not be used because they can cause cancer.  Ugh. Well, they've been replaced and I am thankful. Either there's truth to this story, or the grey utensil-makers of America have led one hell of a campaign.

I traveled home via the Massachusetts route and LOVED listening to James by Percival Everett. It truly is brilliant writing. I didn't want to pull in my driveway, but now have to find another 4 hours to finish (which I should on my flight today). I also stopped at a McDonald's at 2 pm to get lunch, and I'm here to say, "Um, this new economy is bogus. I'm in the middle of nowhere....I had to pee so go indoors to get my order, I find giant iPads and no employees, and it takes 30 minutes. That is some bull. I'd rather spend the money in a sit-down restaurant (not that I should be eating that crap anyway). 

I did a Cynde when I returned, and went on a rampage to get all my holiday goods down. That was easy, but now I can't find where I put all the stuff that stored. Perhaps I move them to an upstairs bedroom. They most definitely weren't in the basement.

Karal is exhausted. She's wanted nothing but sleep since our return, and although she visited Pam and Jake, she really only wanted the couch. I did, too, but because I'm home I'm already into the go-go-go mode. I'm just in the mood to purge it all. I need a bed, a toilet, and a chair to work. 

Now, time to enter a mini-adventure mode for a week. I've not taken time off in 14 years, accept when Tunga and I did Key West. He talked me into a road trip after dropping Alyssa off in Miami, so I said, "Okay. I can do this." I'm letting him take the lead and will simply flash my credit card when necessary. In truth, I want nothing more than to absorb all he has to say and offer on this adventure. I'm also just looking forward to something different. The parochial life at the University has dulled my sense of being. I need a revival and rejuvenation. We'll see where this takes us. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Celebrations Went Fast, But Now It Is Time To Leave...Another Year Ahead of Us for Love & Hope, I Believe

I came home early this year in order to catch mom's birthday and to stay to say the same to Cynderballz (which is today). There's a book I need to listen to, and a house I should check on (of course, there's the mail, too). I hope traffic will be easy on me, as coming to Syracuse was smooth sailing.

Karal, I believe, will miss the routine...she has snack time, nap time, play time, and outdoor time all arranged with all of us wrapped around her paws. Of course, if she even thinks we're returning, you'll run to the door...she likes her Connecticut patterns, as well. 

I will be leaving Amalfi Drive with loaves of bread, orange chicken, tubs of sherbet, cookies in the freezer, new stock of detergent & colas, as well as organized frames for the grands on my mom's hutch.

Cynde is invited over for an omelette in the a.m. if she'd like a birthday breakfast, but I've yet to make a good omelette. I will try (and I imagine she doesn't like mushrooms now that I think of it).

I won't be hitting snow in my travels, either. That's another blessing.

It's just a matter of moments before mom will asks, "So what are you going to forget this time?" I guess after 34 years of Bryan-departures, the probability of me heaving items behind would be high. That's actually a conversation Chitunga and I had while at the Freight Yard home is always where the heart it....and he has it in Connecticut, in Syracuse, and in he shares those spaces with me....

...he doesn't share Roskide, Denmark, however, and I miss all those times there...then again, I'm not quite able to share Des Moines...not just yet.

Here's to the road...and Happy Birthday, Cynderballz!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Spent the Day in Oswego, NY, Bargain Shopping with Her & Her Husband, a Tradition Cynde and I Will Hopefully Continue Down the Road

I love getting the 50-60% of holiday shit I don't need. I usually stock up, store away, and get excited during the next season when I bring materials up after Thanksgiving. This year, I bought much more for the ever-growing nativity set, and will add more tacky to it, summoning Grannie Annie with the little finds that come my way (I had to pass on the brass choir frogs for out front....They were $160 dollars, but I would not get them unless they were under $50...that's just the way I am.

The funny thing is I bought a bunch of items for Casey & Dave and, lo and behold, when I went to store the goods in the closet of her ol' bedroom from last year, I found a whole stack of things I bought her last year that I totally forgot about (which is a bummer). I will likely wrap it up for her birthday next year. It will be a lot of loot at once.

Boo on Maria's of Oswego for being closed. They riled me up for a good breakfast, but we ended up at a sandwich shop. It sufficed, but I was 100% ready for an omelet. Once I get that on my brain I'm unfocused until I have one. Nora's didn't quite cut it.

Today should be a day of football games and, I suppose, wrapping Casey's birthday presents for next year. Probably should help cut some of the food out of the fridge and do another Price Chopper run with Papa Butch (he says he's out of Pepsi...there is a lifetime supply of it downstairs).

As for the cookies and chocolates...that will be impossible to deplete by departure. I got mom tins so she can make gifts for her friends (as she had me cook them last week and now they are clogging the upstairs freezer). 

And my flights are booked to Daytona Beach for a spur-of-the-moment road trip with Chitunga (who has been on the road almost 24 hours as he heads to Miami with Lys. For now, though, taking one day at a time.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

And the Most Impressive Part of Christmas Day is They Made Room for Me at the Adult Table, After I Sat Down in the Kitchen Alone

And move on we now have permission to do. Bye Bye Christmas Holiday. Let's start thinking about a new year. Of course, thinking about leftover creamed potatoes is more than welcome to stay for a little while. At least Mimi Sue doesn't have to put her Christmas decorations away. She never got them out. She does, however, have to figure out an eating plan for all her cookies and chocolates.

I think I binge-watched 5 hours of Blackish after everyone settled down for the night - well, fell asleep. Butch decided, too, that it might be nice to bathe after the holidays finished. He even wanted his hairs cut, so we got that in, too

Christmas Day, 2024. 

As for Clearance shopping, that depends on the invitations that come my way this morning. We shall see.

Finally, wishing the best travel day for Lys, Chitunga, & their band of drivers heading to Florida with a 3 a.m. departure time. You only live once, and when you drive to Florida from Syracuse, it teaches you exactly why you hole to never do it again. That's not true. I was always up for the adventure in my 20s & 30s, too. I hope they see the world (well, eastern sea coast) and enjoy every minutes of it.